The Island

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

What a classic cartoon moment it is when Tom finds his head between the two cymbals Jerry's holding and - classsshhhh! Tom's bulging, traumatised eyes reverberate somewhere outside the disc-like remains of his skull. That's how I feel, having been well and truly happy-slapped by the latest deafening film from Hollywood's no-nonsense-no-nuance action maestro, Michael Bay, who gave us Pearl Harbor and Armageddon. I was found face down outside the cinema afterwards by police, to whom I could only whisper, pointing to the mashed red stumps where my ears used to be: "Cann'ttt hear ... "

bulging- (o oczach) wyłupiaste
deafening- ogłuszający
mash- miażdżyć
nuance- niuans
remains- resztki, pozostałości, szczątki
reverberate- odbijać się (o odgłosie)
skull- czaszka
slap- klepnąć, trzepnąć, trzasnąć
stump- kikut, resztka, odłamek
the latest- najnowszy, ostatni
traumatise- spowodować traumę


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